"What if they have little time due to the demands of their job, family commitments, or whatever?
Then Option 2 is probably their best choice."
Option 2 was: "don't participate in the discussion". That seems to me too exclusive, too cold and unwelcoming. What I was getting at is, why not have a simple overview, not dumbing down as some put it, just straight talking language. Why does Anarchism need an expansive intricate philosophy?
"Perhaps people want to join in a discussion to understand more, but the arrogance of your reply may in fact be very off putting.
If you're feeling put off, I'm perfectly fine with that. I'm not here to "convert" you."
I'm getting used to your sharp tongue, implicit put downs and the like. I know you're not here to convert, but sometimes it seems like territorial pissing.
"What is the purpose of Anarchy 101 Q&A if not for those who want answers to submit questions.
This is actually one area in which I kind of agree with you. Not to step on the toes of anyone who maintains this website, but I think that the title of Anarchy101 is a wee bit misleading."
The answer here I like, not just for content but for its humanity. A statement, but not laying down the law, and yeah, lacking arrogance
"A few seem to have way too many rules by which everyone should abide by.
How is your own lack of familiarity with a particular topic a "rule" that other people are imposing on you? You're the one who decided to jump into a debate that I was having with edclear and, when it became obvious that you were in over your head, you make me out to be the bad guy for not going easy on you. How does that even make sense?"
It doesn't make sense as I wasn't necessarily firing a shot at you, guilty conscience? I've been reading through much material here, some going back years, and there seems to be a recurring trend of closing down those who do not seem to agree!
And not so. I never felt out of my depth, just what you were saying was half irrelevant, and/or extreme, blunt, as I said before to you. So don't take this too personal.
We touched upon the the "ineffability of communication". I'm left wondering if we can ever develop a clear means of exchange with the written word.