Lantz, every time you come up with an excuse for not answering questions and challenged directed specifically at you, it makes you sound rather less than interesting.
You have continually made derogatory comments that are devoid of substance (see my list on another thread, plus this: "your version of anarchy is trash," "a chieftain would have authority of his [sic] tribe," "post-modernism and all that," "treating cultures as if they can't be compared to each other in any way or classified in any way is unproductive as well.") as well as taking dismissive potshots at what you presume are other people's ideas and opinions. Then, when one or more of us challenges you directly, you beg off, saying you don't have time.
What that means is that you haven't thought through your ideas and opinions, or are relying on those of other people. You have continued to showcase your monumental ignorance attached to your arrogance, which, I admit is a heady brew; unfortunately, this is not the sort of forum where it plays well. Most of the folks who have tried to engage with you in varying degrees of good faith are clearly more intelligent and articulate than you, which is a very good reason for you to excuse yourself from the discussion.
But by all means, stick around; I am amused by scolding and schooling you. It almost feels like I'm duty bound to unsettle you.