If we know that sitting on a pin causes a pain in the butt, we are not against pins, not against sitting, not against anything. To be against, is ignorance and causes needless pain... to self, to others.
Can there be an authority? That is the question to ask. Can one person, or a group of people hold all knowledge, all understanding of life?
Those who submit to another are making a huge mistake. They are simply submitting to ignorance, confining themselves and all others to one possibility of many, walking down a narrow fearful way.
Consider this scenario... in present day, Law is the authority. The judge, interpreter and executioner, and the cops agents of such.
Laws are the creation of men, therein is the underlying fallacy. Judges judgement is not always sound, not always based on real evidence, not giving total consideration of the full facts, dependent upon his/her mood, etc. In itself, a huge failure. Cops are as maladjusted individuals as anyone they wish to control.
So all in all the basis of authority can be seen for what it is, another feeble attempt to create order which merely ends in ever more disorder.
Laws do not address the real issues, neither do any of those involved in such. The whole system of Law is corrupt from the outset in the simple sense that "we will have our way, they will not".
So those who create laws decide they know better and all must abide by their better comprehension of life. Now if I say, why shouldn't I kill, take whatever I please, enslave others? Their answer is a banal "it is Law". If I push further, "on what base do you ground this Law", they'll come out with utter nonsense such as God, Civic Order, etc.
All of which ignores the issue that their God is completely absent, that their order is a continuance of disorder, that every individual going thru their system is in fact a result of their system due to the fact that their system is dog eat dog... or at least have a nibble now and again.
Authority is simply an assumed position, and not merely assumed, but one enforced. That is the failure of all authority.
If the structure of a society, collective knowledge, or whatever, was truth, there would be no need for authority as it would be so self evident as not to need any Laws, Dictates, Credo's, etc.
The fact is, men have attempted to impose a false system of values via nothing more than fear... and all fear is the result of ignorance.
Rebel indeed, against ignorance and its many offshoots, of which is a tangled mess.