Well yeah, debating sometimes seems to me to be more one of those things of trying to convince/prove to oneself of whatever they're debating is true or better and if they "win" the debate then it must be true and/or superior. Kinda like the people that lie a lot and feel if they repeat the same lie over and over then it will magically become true. I'm not sure if that's makes sense to others on here. I'm not much into debating because I don't really feel I need to prove my pov to others or reinforce it to myself or that my pov is better than theirs.
@badman, the people you're debating may have entirely different ideas on class and what is or isn't a class enemy. While you may think who they support is a class enemy, they probably don't or not know what you mean by that. You say approach them better, but I'm not sure what for. I'm just going to assume to get them to see your pov better, or hoping what you say to them will change their outlook on their reality? As dot asked, it would be great if you gave an example or specifics of what you mean and/or who you are debating (i.e. frends, family, co-workers, random people).