In over ten years of my routinely asking people if they know the simple distinction between a democracy and a lynch mob nobody has answered correctly and over half have confided that they are suspicious of the dictionary and sometimes prefer to make up their own definitions despite almost every one of them being clueless that the common dictionary merely contains popular definitions. Its impossible to have a democracy or an anarchy if nobody knows the meaning of the damn words. The situation reflects how memory centric systems logic are the simplest possible way for people or animals to organize with a chicken flock pecking order and Three Stooges slapstick and Gonzo the Muppet providing classic examples.
Pecking orders enforce that people pay attention to those with better memories because, collectively speaking, while the lights might be on nobody is home. Its the default organization and, for example, this is how the neurons in the brain organize and there is very little difference between how a chicken acts and how any of its individual neurons behave. Forty years of intensive research have discovered that the amount of working memory a person has is the only reliable way of predicting their career potential. Notably, if the lights are merely left on and nobody is home both anarchy and democracy become meaningless and, conversely, if people are actually aware of what they are doing collectively then they make distinctions between the two terms and anarchists would consider democracy an aggressive way of organizing against them.