firstly, welcome.
secondly, good luck. maintaining oneself when there are not people to talk to is extremely challenging.
thirdly, be very careful asking for input along these lines from people you don't know.
fourthly, this is not the best site for asking about organizing, since most here (not all, certainly) are highly skeptical about the benefits of coordinating (or attempting to coordinate) other people's actions, specifically the question of "effectiveness" that you bring up. (in other words--perhaps my most common question here--effective for what, exactly?)
fifthly, my actual attempt to address your question is to do what you feel. things that have worked for me have been study/reading groups, art nights, reading on my own (lots of reading!), following controversies and considering them from as many sides as i can, listening to people who have been around longer than i have (and challenging them also)... i can imagine a critical mass or starting a FnB or a free radio station or a really really free market would all be interesting efforts that would teach you a lot, if nothing else, and give you a stronger basis for future endeavors.