as both lawrence and dot imply, not only is the idea of separating art (as mediated by the 'patron') from our mundane existence, hurtful and harmful - so too is the broader concept that everything of worth must be 'received' from our betters - the 'experts, pundits, and professionals'. If it is done by peasants like us it must be inferior and rejected/avoided ... right?? [Fuck! No.]
Art, Science, Food, Sex, Life, Death, the very thoughts in our own fucking heads - what right do we have to claim these for our own? Ha! We claim no rights, we have no need of them. We simply embrace the thoughts of our own minds, the multi-faceted, shimmering wonderment of the smallest child; we simply reject the nonsense that our curiousity may not be allowed to roam wherever it may at the moment. We simply reject the assinine notion that All Thought must follow prefigured topographies of gutters and drains to ultimately drown in this or that cesspool of Academia.
(yeah, i have issues... just enjoy the prose and carry on.)