Most of these I have encountered, others only imagined:
Communes, squats, squatted houses, squatted social centers, squatted restaurants, squatted bars, social centers generally, urban gardens, squatted parks, unschools, secret gardens, infoshops/bookstores/libraries, 'points of secession' & multipurpose spaces generally in various places (cities, small towns, countryside, wilder regions etc), and the underground (literally or figuratively) routes to connect them, "making space," tearing down walls or at least making holes in or under them, tearing up roads... a project dedicated solely to taking out surveillance infrastructure in a place would be cool... or Internet infrastructure
Music, dancing, theater, various performance things, cabarets, salons, fashion shows, free stores, murals, operas, films, shows, games...
Developing food autonomy, cultivation and fermentation and preservation and preparation of food and other ingestibles...
Communication infrastructure, hacking spaces and classes...
Health stuff, martial arts and weapons training, medical training...
Magical stuff...
Scanners, anti-scanners, robotics. EMP?