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User Artificiality

Member for: 12 years (since Feb 1, 2013)
Type: Registered user
Full name: Art I. Ficiality
Location: Pacific Northwest (usa)
About: I help run an infoshop in Eugene, Oregon.

The Eugene Infoshop:

I had a no budget Anarchist radio show. It was the Artificiality Radio project. I did my own material, but I also played Anarchy Radio, TCN radio, The Final Straw, Horizontal Power Hour, and any good Anarchist or Radical interviews over WRFU 104.5 FM Urbana.

Work with Fifth Estate at the moment, mostly distribution.

I also have Artificiality Distro, in which I distribute/table anarchist and radical zines, books, and magazines.

Activity by Artificiality

Score: 8,160 points (ranked #8)
Questions: 22 (5 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 8
Comments: 72
Voted on: 329 questions, 508 answers
Gave out: 616 up votes, 221 down votes
Received: 83 up votes, 9 down votes

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