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–1 vote
I have been following with interest the Idle No More protest movement in Canada and have heard some interesting discussion of anarchism/anarcho-primitivism in relation to Native cultures and societies. One critique I have heard from aboriginal activists is that some anarchists (and specifically some anarcho-primitivists) court tautology by imposing on Native communities their own values. I have also heard some critiques put bluntly: anarchism is a white man's term.

I was struck by some of this because I felt that many of the anarchists in these discussions had only the best intentions and wanted to share knowledge and ideas with an emerging movement. The good-natured (if sometimes terse) rejection of anarchism is what spawned this amorphous question to you all.  Any thoughts on anarchist perceptions of Native society or the relationship between anarcho-primitivism and aboriginal cultures?
by (1.0k points)
to answer your original question, i dont think youre going to get a particularly in-depth answer because the question is too vague and is also completely subjective.  its also a hard question to answer simply and in this case abstractly without resorting to a moral judgement (good or bad).

as to your extended comment, i can suggest some further reading:
Thank you for the links (this library is a wonderful resource). I see what you mean about the question I asked. Perhaps what I was looking for was more like what various people thought, rather than a correct answer, so to speak. Perhaps I'll think more on it and get back to you all another day.
of course, i know its out of fashion these days, but the green still runs deep in me haha.  if youre looking for some other material that sort of explain more about these things, but refer a lot less to anything called anarchy explicity (or in the "political" sense at least), i would check out "nature and madness" by paul shepard, and for perhaps the most interesting first hand anthropological account ive ever read of life in an indigenous society, in this case one that operates somewhere between mostly traditional but partially assimilated life to civlization, "the other side of eden" is quite good.  as to your original question, i wish i could give my musings on the subject from lots of readings, but it would probably end up being booklength because life, just as much in indigenous groups, is really complex and pluralistic, and ive never actually lived in an indegenous world so that opens up another whole can of worms.

1 Answer

–2 votes
Its called sharing.
by (1.2k points)
this isn't an answer to the question. can you either make it a comment or flesh it out a lot more?