To be perfectly honest, your answer struck me as a bit high-handed, which is what prompted my response. I don't read much about revolution and counter-revolution, so if I see too much stuff about counter-revolutionaries, I think khmer rouge and so forth. However, the comment was really just a dumb joke.
I feel that I've made a few good points in my posts, and that posturing and pontificating is an unfair characterization of them. Then again, I can't recall all of the crap I've posted in the few hours since I registered here, so you might be closer to the mark than I think. I'll be the first to admit, however, that they do consist of a lot of dumb jokes and weird jabs born of (mostly) personal angst. I'm sorry, I stopped taking the internet too terribly seriously a while ago. And, given my moniker, one of my goals here is to focus on the absurdity of semantics, especially as they relate to political tropes and memes.
Personally, I think the idea of a mass anti-capitalist revolution is absurd at best, and scary at worst. I believe that the current state of the world represents serious imbalances in the collective human psyche, of which the majority of us are mostly just victims. I don't see the state as an alien structure which is utterly divorced from the human psyche, but rather, as a particularly ugly manifestation of its worst aspects. To me, events that happen quickly on a large scale are just too liable to fall right back into another manifestation of this same condition. I have no problem fighting, on a personal or local scale, to defend myself, my comrades, or an autonomous space (physical or social), but I see that as a very different (and ongoing) thing; I simply can't presume to be anybody else's vanguard, just as I won't accept anybody else as mine.
I hate cops as a concept. I bear a mild to intense personal dislike for most of the police officers I've encountered in my life. However, I also empathize with the many individual officers who do, as discerning human beings, actually help people now and again, or simply bide their time and collect their paychecks like any other workers. Of course, from experience we can expect the police and military to react a certain way when shit hits the fan, and the hordes of bullies who joined the force for a chance to crack some skulls in the first place may behave predictably when things get hairy- however, human history is also filled with individuals have abandoned their posts when finally instructed to go ahead and do their real job.
I do have my own view of the struggle, but I have a very hard time applying the concepts of revolution and counter-revolution to it. Thanks for explaining your view of them, though. Minus a few ad hom jabs (I know, I started it- bad habit) and absolute statements, I do identify with and respect what you've written here. We could argue over this for hours, but neither of us would be likely to change our minds in any substantial way, as we're just coming at it from very different places. Anyway, I'm confident that we're both good people doing positive things in this world.
Also, not that you care, but I'm really starting to hate the word "dude," even though I still use it, for reasons that I'm still working out.
And that, my friend, is the most authentic communication I have to offer this evening.