In order for the rest of this conversation to make any damn sense a distinction needs to be made between Liberal Feminism and actual feminisms. There are many different types of feminisms; Liberal Feminism is the 'Anarcho-Capitalism' of feminism.
A second distinction would need to be made between "radical feminism" and actual feminism. Radical Feminism is the 'National Anarchism' of feminism.
In feminist circles that are not of those two "false currents" of thought, nothing that supports any form of oppression will be taken seriously. (This often includes the state when it is talked about in depth, however, sometimes statist ideology does get by in feminist circles, but not often.)
Feminism has always had a strong current of Gender Abolition, and the hot words in feminism today is 'social-construct,' which is how they talk about gender. So no, most feminism does not support the gender-binary.
Even in the late 70s, in the height of second-wave feminism (read: when radical feminists got taken seriously) there were writers like Monique Wittig who argued that woman was a material position forced onto certain people and that it was possible to destroy this position and the forces that created it. She argued for lesbianism as a central strategy for destablizing the concept of woman, and, that lesbians are not women.
"It is our historical task, and only ours, to define what we call oppression in materialist terms, to make it evident that women are a class, which is to say that the category “woman” as well as the category “man” are political and economic categories not eternal ones. Our fight aims to suppress men as a class, not through a genocidal, but a political struggle. Once the class “men” disappears, “women” as a class will disappear as well, for there are no slaves without masters..."
- One is not Born a Woman by Monique Wittig (availible on ZineLibrary [dot] info)
Patriarchy is not a mental fiction (or manifestation of binary thinking, or boogeyman), but a material position, and as a material position it can be attacked and destroyed.
To say 'Binary' is to talk about how gender categories are seen as real, fixed, static, historical, natural, biological, etc., none of which are true.
It is NOT binaristic to talk about real material differences that actually exist in the lives of people privileged or oppressed under patriarchy.
The concept of Patriarchy is not the result binaristic thinking, the concept of the binary is the result of Patriarchy. You are confusing cause and effect.
I should really write more about this, but I don't even know where to start unpacking some of the things y'all have been talking about.