let me start by pointing out that i am not using the word "economic" to refer to any and every interaction individuals might have. i reject that perspective completely, and for the purposes of this question (really, for any purpose) i am not interested in it.
i think of really, really free markets (rrfm) as getherings of folks in a particular area, who come together to seek, share, gift and even exchange/trade/barter, in order to meet those needs and desires that could not be met otherwise (eg, diy). this could be a thing, an activity, ideas, anything at all i would think. a key element of exchange in this context is that there is no currency, nothing has any value other than the purely subjective value that the individuals involved in gifting/sharing/exchanging it choose for it to have in that particular moment.
i would not call a rrfm a "gift economy", both for the obvious aversion to "economy" as a concept, and because interactions would likely not always be in that form. the ways in which people interact and meet their needs and desires would be dynamic, spontaneous, and completely up to those involved.
let me point out that in my hypothetical/anarchist world, the daily interactions of life would be in that very same vein, and so an explicit rrfm would be unnecessary. but practically speaking, since people would be in smaller tribes/bands/bolos (my bolo would surely be much smaller than the 300-500 recommended by p.m.), it is likely that some needs and/or desires would not be realizable solely within a single group. and so, rrfms could be a way to bring different groups together to gift/share/exchange. of course that would also be a time to share news, gossip, stories, etc with your neighboring clans.
what do y'all think...?
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