Yeah, that was the way just a decade ago or so. You'd get chatting to a girl and see where it lead. Sex has always been a big part of human life, more for pleasure than procreation. Nowadays it's becoming like you're some kind of pervert to even talk about it.
I gave up reading "the News" as it's just gossiping really or government spin. I am aware of the Weinstein story though as everyone is speaking about that. I was saying to one of my feminist friends that they were all willing to keep it quiet for long enough though, which she thought was very offensive. To me, that's how it is, they wanted fame and fortune and prostituted themselves upon the Weinstein alter. Everyone knows that's been going on since the beginning of movies, and in the music industry as well. Not excusing it, but why get involved unless you are willing to say NO, I will not fuck you you little prick. Hopefully things will change for girls/women but what after this blows over?
The work thing is so huge though, will it change anytime soon? I can see with more and more automation, more and more robots, that work will have to change, but what then of an income as the power Capitalists are still going to be in POWER.
Totally agree about bailing out when one of the partners hits a tough spot in a polyamorous relationship. They'll just run for comfort to another lover. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but I think monogamy is best for most people, not as it is for most people nowadays, but taken up a level where there is real equality and relating. People are just so messed up, but won't admit it, and do stupid things all the time where direct communication would clear it up and they could move on.