(edited and expanded from a comment)Here is the first thing that springs to mind:http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/aragorn-nihilism-anarchy-and-the-21st-centuryIn this Aragorn! first traces the historic development of the Russian Nihilists, and then explores relationship of nihilism to the socialism of the same era. It concludes with a jump to the present, and has a follow up piece that I highly suggest:http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/aragorn-anarchy-and-nihilism-consequencesThey are both available for free via the links I've provided, or you could get a print copy (it's very pretty) of both published under the name BOOM from Little Black Cart http://littleblackcart.com/books/boom/
everything is a nihilist joke.
and we all want to know that, rs666...