i agree with your last sentence, dot. and for sure with your point about context.
when you say: "children are already taught not to tattle tale", are you referring specifically (and only) to anarchist - or other radical - parents? because my experience with the majority of parent/child relationships (meaning, not radical etc) points to the opposite. many, many times have i heard things like: "if you see bobby doing X, make sure to tell me". or "you should tell your teacher when mary does that". it sucks.
there is also the fact that so many view the parent/child relationship as sacred, impervious to context. i wonder how those parents feel, for example, when their child turns them in for smoking pot. i know there are cases of that happening where the child didn't intend for their parent to get busted, but i think that just points to the need for informed, critical thinking, and common sense. for both parents AND their children.