Damn, I don't get a namedrop.
If I had to identify sources of anarchist knowledge that I actually encountered, absorbed, and added to my perspective to some extent, it would come out to something like this, in no particular order:
* CrimethInc (okay, CrimethInc was actually a HUGE influence, to be honest)
* Peter Gelderloos
* Margaret Killjoy & Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness
* RAAN (like a motherfucker!)
* Emma Goldman
* North Carolina Piece Corps
* The Institute for Experimental Freedom
* Wikipedia
* Random articles on AnarchistNews.org
* Random selections from ZineLibrary.info
* Random selections from zine libraries and tables at radical events
* A lot of discussions, debates, and arguments with people (anarchists and otherwise) that both helped me articulate my points further and made me aware of gaps and rough edges in my perspective
And, of course, reading Q&A on this website. Seriously.
It's not something that happened to me overnight and I occasionally remember things I believed or said five years ago and cringe - but that's just a part of being a human being, sometimes, I think?