There is a community of farmers (and only farmers),each member of this community have freely agreed to comply with the following in return for the other members following the free agreement and respecting their rights:all farmers have 260 acres of land(this is their private land so they look after it but every member of the community has the same amount),all farmers must work 8 hrs a day(Monday to Saturday),all food belongs to everyone,all farmers must have Remington shotguns,all farmers must meet in the farmers assembly on Sundays to discuss and study business(agribusiness)ballistics,forensic science generally,mechanics,tool making,the implications of the contract etc and to form juries to decide (after debate and by majority vote) guilt and innocence in breaches of the agreement and to direct labour,all farmers must enforce this agreement and keep order,all farmers are equal,all farmers help build the labour reducing machines,no farmer may breach the peace,no farmer may engage In wanton violence,all farmers must work at the direction of the jury,no one may deprive someone of enough food to live and no farmer may build buildings except by consent of a jury and in the way the jury instructed them.