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+1 vote
Hello, i think i have been an anarchist all my life and i'm not sure if i'm happy with that revelation as i do not want to conform to any ideoology, not even anarchism. Does that make sense?
I wouldn't say anarchism is an ideology. By ideology, I mean a doctrine that references some sort of plan or has a plan to guide it. Although, there are anarchists that come off as ideological bound. There are principles per se, which in a way, are kind of like rules, like against capitalism and authority/hierarchy.

1 Answer

+1 vote
it does make sense in that it sucks to think that everything we have thought has probably been thought before.

it doesn't make sense in that you are the one putting the label on yourself, whether to please yourself or to displease yourself.

i could go into the esoterica of words and say that anarchists are not necessarily those who believe in anarchism (many anarchists see and reject anarchism as an ideology -- ie a belief system that is supposed to bring about a certain goal, if people just behave correctly). but ultimately you get to choose the words that work for you, and that includes finding new ones if the old ones don't work. there are many young turks in the primitivist milieu, for example, coining new words like wildism and feralism... or you could make anarchist thought what you want it to be, and be part of a long line of anarchists who did that.


(edit to clarify the point of my paranthetical statement. sigh.)
by (53.1k points)
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