Currently, in the law in pretty much every country, there are age limits on things. I see the point in that, a certain age limit being put helps weed out the people who are likely to make mistakes. That is indeed a good way to look at things in a capitalistic (or pseudo-capitalistic as I like to call it) world. However, the point of anarchy seems to be equality and lack of law, especially the ones who harm the minority to help the majority. I'm not asking about drinking, drugs or the like. I think the answer is that such an age limit being put on these kinds of small things are unsensible and more so about culture rather than rational. However, there is the problem of liberty. Is a child free from his parents the moment he is born? Do they have a say in what he does? What if the parents are abusing the child? What if the parents are forcing their ideas on their child which goes against the liberty of mind? What do you guys have to say about this and do you think I'm talking about a problem that wouldn't exist or that there needs to be something done for these kinds of potential problems?