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+1 vote
If so I would like to read the texts or know its general lines. I think that this theory has interesting implications and some connections to the Nietzsche's epistemological view, who explained 'reality' as a text to be read.

Edit: I leave here the first version of the question to make madlib's commentary comprehensible: Is there any anarchist approach to Uexküll's 'Umwelt' concept?
by (130 points)
edited by
The question should be rephrased since "anarchist approach to" would seem to imply an Anarchist's Common Sense About Uexküll's Ideas. I've never heard "Uexküll" or "umwelt" be mentioned by any anarchist.
Thanks madlib, great suggestion. I've never wanted to say something like that.

1 Answer

–5 votes
by (-150 points)