Well, I don't really understand the wisdom of having a downvote instead of just creating arguements like in a normal forum. Perhaps you could explain that to me.
The very question about belongings being stolen is central to the type of culture we live in. As a capitalist society, we have very individualized lives where we go to work seperately and are very detached from the very acts of subsistence, which not only encourages theft but makes it easier. Also, with any hierarchical culture, we tend to make the assumption that we all need to be out for ourselves and competing with other people. While this doesn't address the very real risk of the threat of theft in peoples lives, this lays out a groundwork for understanding what to do about it. If I were to address the issue itself, I could talk about the concept of "restorative justice", but anyone else could too.
While I consider myself an anarchist, the main problem I have with anarchism as an ideology is it's mostly reactionary. People who live in an egalitarian manner don't even need to refer to ideological terms, they just live their lives in a way that makes sense to them. I agree entirely with the problem of wanting to lay out a blue-print for living society of organizing it, but it seems impossible to avoid this kind of talk when we talk about ideology.