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Welcome to Anarchy101 Q&A, where you can ask questions and receive answers about anarchism, from anarchists.

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+1 vote
had a conversation about anarchism. from what i've seen most anarchists are punk/hippies, pacifist, anti-establishment sort who have vegetable gardens, ride bikes, and repair everything they can instead of throwing stuff out -- DIY'ers, self-sufficient...

my real question then is if anarchists are all totally dressed in black, begrudging, misanthropic, violent sort, are they?

1 Answer

+2 votes
It's difficult to say anything about "the average anarchist" considering anarchists tend to come from all sorts of backgrounds and hold all sorts of (often conflicting) beliefs.

If most of the anarchists you've seen have been DIY-er pacifists with subcultural attachments, then that's just the particular scene you've been in contact with.

Yes, there are anarchists who are misanthropic and violent and begrudging and have monochromatic wardrobes. It can be said with certainty that they exist.

It might as well be impossible to state what "the average anarchist" is like considering that anarchists are bound to vary immensely between individuals, scenes, communities, nations... I mean, I guess you could poll the entire planet, but that would have a huge margin of error, and anyway: why does it matter?
by (8.7k points)