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+1 vote
This probably sounds more creepy than it is...

What I am looking for is articles that basically do a SWAT analysis on the types of communications methods used by anarchist activists, etc.

Like what is good for coordination, or discussion, or emergency communications, etc.

You could even think of Anarchy 101 as a comms resource, but I mainly wondering if there are any studies/analysis on this stuff.
it does sound pretty creepy, yes
pretty sure the FBI has at least one report on this, or maybe it was the LEIU, maybe call over to their office and ask?
asker, this isn't an answer.

anonymous, if you find out, please share.
yeah I clicked on the wrong thing, I don't mind if you make it a comment
you can make it a comment. just edit it, and "make it a comment" will be an option.
oh ok! good to know
yea, didn't realize people didn't know that already. thanks for asking! :)

1 Answer

0 votes
There was an analysis on the use of twitter for communication during the 08 rnc. Here's a link
by (350 points)