This depends on who is defining "libertarian," and probably which anarchists you ask.
'Libertarian' was, historically, synonymous with 'anarchist' and so far as I know remains so. The term has more to do with freedom from central government, without necessarily critiquing other systems of domination, Hence one has libertarian socialists, libertarian municipalists, libertarians who are mostly Stirnerite egoists, and, at least in North America, Libertarians.
LIbertarian as a political preference in the United States (and I think North Amercia more broadly?) denotes a minarchist or anarcho-capitalist perspective; government is bad, but we need to keep some of it otherwise the proles will try to have total communization. Or something about protecting property from the masses of barbarians who are perceived to be perpetually at the gates.
Frankly, I am uninterested in people who would define themselves as either socialist anarchists or libertarian anarchists, those modifiers feel empty to me.