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Welcome to Anarchy101 Q&A, where you can ask questions and receive answers about anarchism, from anarchists.

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–1 vote
by (950 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Bring them. Questions, especially from non-anarchists often help challenge me to think about how I talk about my beliefs much more critically than if I am around people who all agree with me to some extent.

I do find it sometimes difficult to communicate to non-anarchists (and some anarchists) that what I say is not the case for all anarchists, which I think makes me sometimes water down what I say when it I am mid game of "quiz the anarchist," I don't wnat to speak for ALL anarchists, but often people unfamiliar with anarchism/y have a very difficult time with this - as if being such is like being a democrat, or a republican or something.

Actually, even as I type this, I am thinking of ways to talk about this which might be more effective. Thanks!
by (22.1k points)