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0 votes
(sorry I keep posting questions like this, that won't generate discussion -- but it seems like someone here might know the answer.)

Does anyone know if Letters Journal is still operating? As in, might there be another issue -- and, is there a way to get old issues? It seems like they're no longer available on LBC.

by (8.0k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
letters journal hasn't put out a new issue in a long time, but i don't think it's officially ended. probably mailing the editor of the journal (i believe contact info is in the journal) is a better way to find out about any upcoming efforts.

and when i search i find issues 3 and 4 still available on little black cart (i searched for letters, the lbc search function seems to be idiosyncratic).
by (53.1k points)
ohhh ok, thanks dot!

the lbc search function is a little funny!

but they have some of the best anarchist publications currently available in N. America.

(edited for emphasis :))

