Like nearly all economic questions/positions this (implied?) question strikes me as a completely de-contextualized thought experiment. It ignores the non-quantifiable world we actually inhabit. It also ignores all which it's predicated upon and also in (same) name of some bullshit, vague,conception of progress: the colonialism, racism, genocide, patriarchy, classism, schooling, etc., as well as the glaring Roman Legion on the field: the perennially violent process of civilizing/domestication.
All economies of scale are built upon the above process(es), be it capitalist, mutualist, communist, socialist. In every case the bloodied ground is torn up in order to erect shitty factories, create a 'society' of confused, bewildered, displaced strangers, produce mass quantities of unnecessary shit, only to re-create and maintain this cycle of control and order.
As an anarchist, I say fuck this cycle, fuck the bawss, fuck the workers councils, fuck the factories, fuck the anti-social industrial 'society', fuck all those who'd categorize me as 'worker,' 'consumer,' and 'citizen.'
I want a different world than this.
Edit for clarity and to add that I say all this, not in hostility toward the questioner in particular, but more as a generalized hatred of the premises upon which economic questions tend to find their (bloody) ground.