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–2 votes
If yes, where can I find them or contact them?

United Kingdom, a group whose members live with each other because I would like to join.

at least 12 characters
Well, Europe is a big place, but generally speaking one of the best ways to find people is to look for social centers, because these are public spaces with open events where you can meet people. Often they will have a very public presence, and sometimes an internet one.

The same goes for some communes and intentional communities. Or the ZAD thing.

1 Answer

0 votes
There are tons of them... It depends on what you are searching for, and in which country ! without being pedantic : europe is a vast continent, not a village.

And you have hundreds of anarchist organizations and thousands of anarchists of different tendencies : anarcho-communists, autonomous, anarcho-syndicalists, insurrectionnary anarchists, individualists, anarcho-primitivists, eco-anarchists. And all of these people are making different projets : occupation of forest against a airport project with wooden huts (the ZAD near from Nantes in France), squats in most of big cities in europe, social centers, rural autonomous communities, house projects, etc... Where and what are you searching for exactly ?

Be more specific because if you don't we would need to write a directory or an encyclopedia to answer comprehensively. ;-)
by (2.2k points)